Monday, 9 December 2013

Why liking different music isn't such a bad thing / reasons why One Direction, Miley Cyrus and Rihanna are not the be all and end all of the music industry

Posted by alice_foster at 06:57 0 comments
I suppose in a way, this is a somewhat of a follow up to my last post (what makes a horror movie scary?), in that it's again about music. What can I say? I really, really like music. Or, some types of music. Some music makes me want to claw my eyes out (*cough* One Direction *cough*), but most music just makes me happy. So I like writing posts about it. Anyway, onwards to the actual post. I had the shock of my life when I checked out my iPod this morning, as anyone who follows me on my instagram would have seen, when I looked at the weighing of my music, ie I have way more soundtracks and country albums than an 18 year old should have.

(my embarassing music faux pass - which I published on the internet!)

I mean yes, it's not as cringe worthy as the amount of soundtracks,  which is gut wrenchingly embarassing, but it's still pretty shaming. I suppose the reason why I have a secret love for country music is down to the fact that my parents love it because, let me tell you this - my friends do not. My friends, god love them, are massive fans of modern music (wow, way to sound old), things like One Direction, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber...well you get the idea. Me on the other hand, I get a kick out of listening to Nancy Griffiths, Tim McGraw, Taylor Swift (and I mean original Taylor, though I do love the RED album) and it's just...well it's embarassing. It's embarassing when someone asks you about so-and-sos and new song and you just sort of stare gormlessly at them because the last time you listened to Capital FM was months ago when you were in someone's car for all of five minutes.

But...why is it embarassing?

Is it embarassing because my music isn't widely listened to people my age? Is it because I don't like to stick out? Is there something genuinely wrong with not getting the appeal of the wide glassy eyed stare of a boy band who had their five minutes years ago? Or maybe...just maybe there's no issue with my music? Mine. I'm not forcing you to listen to it, but I like it. So I admit it here and now, I'm a country fangirl. I love the idea of writing stories into music, and in just having a simple lyric, and a crazy melody. I love the way that country music just makes you want to start tapping your foot on the floor, how it can make you feel so shamelessly good feeling. So yeah, I like country music. And why is that a bad thing?

I don't think it is.

I think we need variety in the world. I think we need to have different music tastes, if only to keep conversations ticking over. I think we need a new sound in the music industry, I think we need original lyrics, and sweeping melodies. I think we need to chill out when it comes to music too. Music's supposed to be fun, and I've been hit way too many times/shouted out/told to wash my mouth out for even daring to have a different opinion. But mainly I think we need to be proud of our differences, and people need to accept that sometimes the answer can not be found in Harry Styles "lusciously curly" birds nest....

Over and out (oh, and for those who want a taste of good old fashioned country music, I've attached a video below)


Wednesday, 4 December 2013

What Makes a Horror Movie Scary?

Posted by alice_foster at 11:29 0 comments
This may seem a rather random and unexpected post, but I am genuinely wondering this. In fact, it was yesterday, when I was traipsing down the road to my house down the longest road to man kind (I truly believe it deserves a record) that I stumbled on this topic. I should probably explain now, these long walks I go on sometimes are where I get these blog ideas and things like that from, so blame my rambles on bus diversions (damn you Bozza). Anyway, for anyone who knows me well enough to have an idea about my music collection, which truthfully, isn't many people, they will know that I have a borderline addiction to soundtrack music. Currently on my iPod I have these sountracks:

Doctor Who (all of them from the reboot onwards so around seven albums)
Now You See Me
Two Steps from Heaven
Harry Potter
Glee (would we call Glee a soundtrack?)
The Great Gatsby
The 2012 Olympics (no seriously)
Pitch Perfect

So, as you can see, I think I'm pretty qualified to talk about soundtracks. I may not have a degree in music, but I'm a full blown soundtrack junkie. It's almost embarrassing. Anyway, my big main question is this: what is it that makes a horror movie scary. Is it the acting (which nine times out of ten is more wooden than an oak tree)? Is it the special effects? Is it the fact that people completely and 100% buy in to the most ridiculous plots? Or, is it the music?

I like to believe it is the music, and I think I can prove this quite simply. Next time you're watching a horror movie, and it gets to the terrifying moment where the heroine is neatly/brutally hacked to death, and turn the volume down. Put on the subtitles, but see if the scene still scares you. I think you'd be surprised.....

Oh, and just to prove my point further, try listening to this little gem alone in your house without screaming and running out the room. Bet you can't.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Understanding (my) Anxiety

Posted by alice_foster at 05:13 0 comments
I felt this post was a really important one to make, and it's one I've been tempted to write for a while now, but it is a personal one. This post is not going to be a funny one, or a really serious one, but it is going to be real. Anxiety is something I deal with, but I felt this post was important to make, to help not only others understand what it is like to live with anxiety, but to help myself.

I should start by saying that, if you have been watching "Bedlam" on C4, my anxiety is nothing like that. My anxiety is a low level anxiety, however in the midst of a panic attack, it feels nothing like low. I suppose I have had anxiety for a long time, it's only when I sit down and try and piece the jigsaw together, to help understand triggers and meanings, that I do realise how long I had let it go unnoticed. That's not my fault. My anxiety comes in fits and bouts. I could have years without an anxiety attack and then suddenly get one out of the blue, and then another one days later, then months of nothing. They're not regular, and they don't impact my life on a daily basis. That's why my anxiety is considered to be "low". I agree with this. Unlike the stereotypical image of anxiety, I do not walk out of my house terrified of the world around me, and nine times out of ten, I'm totally fine. It's that one chance though, that terrifies me.

It took a long time for me to come to terms with my anxiety, but when I did, it was because of something so monumental, I cringe to even think about it. In hindsight, I am completely thankful for that massive meltdown. It helped me realise that there was something wrong, something ticking away in the back of my subconscious somewhere that had surfaced to life. And I didn't deny my anxiety. I accepted it there and then that there was something wrong with me, and I made tracks to make the improvement, tracks I still make on a weekly basis, through the godsend that is Bromley Y.

And yet, accepting my anxiety is only one part of it. It is ironic I find, that my biggest weakness - my anxiety, is formed out of my strongest quality - my loyalty. I am not anxious for myself it seems, but for what other people could do to themselves, and this manifests through an almost total aversion to alcohol and eating simultaneously. Indeed, the moments that forced my anxiety to the furthest point, are moments which I can barely think about without freaking out. I think you'd find it hard not to freak out though, if someone close to you stopped breathing for two minutes, or if you took on the responsibility of someone who was clearly out of control. I am, to my friends, the strong one. The one who deals with situations and takes them in my stride. Who can figure out some sort of plan to get people out a situation under even the worst pressures. I won't deny this isn't me. It is, however it is one side to me. What people it seems, do not realise about the flip side of the coin. The side that has no control, and who freaks out if you get that little bit too drunk

I will also admit that I took on this role too readily. I was too happy to jump in and be their protector, and to help them at the end of the night, putting their happiness before my own. I accept that. But I also don't know how to break out of that. And this, this is where I find myself staring at the brick wall of anxiety.

For all of my acceptance, I have no clue how to break down my anxiety's.

Dealing with anxiety is not as simple as people think. It is not a case of taking "dutch courage", or in throwing yourself into situations, because certainly for me, my anxiety doesn't want to let me take control. Indeed, when I have an anxiety attack, it is the anxiety that controls me, 100%. I don't want that to be the case, but it is difficult to know where to start, when you have years of foundations to knock down. I think now, the primary reason for why I made this blog post, is because we are now entering the christmas party season, and whilst for a lot of people, they love it and look forward to it, I truly and 100% dread it.

I dread the idea that someone could get hurt, could drink too much and end up endangering themselves, or that even in the most extreme situations that they could get far more than a hangover. My friends are the best of me, yet they are the worst of me. I am totally and 100% jealous of the fact that they can just let go and live life like that, whilst I am crippled with fear. It's not fair, but its something I'm working on, and that is all I can do right now.

It's not really a resolution. It's not really anything at all. But it's not easy to put a full stop on anxiety, and I don't think it ever will be.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

The Pursuit of Material Goods - in other words, why technology is a biting addiction - and a hard one to kick

Posted by alice_foster at 03:35 0 comments
I should say now, that I'm incredibly sorry for my lack of posts. Indeed, I got a message from Tashia who asked me to, quote "do more rants". I suppose, in a way this is a rant, but maybe on the other hand its more of a plea, or a revelation. I don't really know, all I do know is that I suddenly, and crazily had an idea and an urge to knock it down. So here it is: technology. I know what you're saying, that's a wide field, technology brings us joy, and wonder, and has brought science forward - well yes, it has. It has also sent us totally backwards. I should specify, the technology I'm talking about is that of the iPhone and BlackBerry craze (yes, lets be real, it is a craze).

So lets start with the iPhone. This revelation came to me about....35 hours or so, when I burst into violent tears and was a shaking mess because my phone wasn't responding (admittedly, it had been submerged in water, and possibly half an hour in a bowl of rice was pushing it in terms of recovery). I turned mildly neurotic and very angry in the space of five seconds, before my mum finally reminded me "it's just technology". Didn't matter though, as far as I was concerned, my life was over. The extension of my hand, was gone. I'm not kidding when people have said to me "are you okay?" when I haven't had my iPhone in my hand. I will admit hand on heart, that I have an addiction to my phone, and I never knew I had one. Of course, over the 34 hours that I've spent away from my phone, I've realised how much I do need it, and probably should treasure it more, but that's besides the point. The point it more, that I had such an extreme reaction, over a piece of technology that worries me. Even this morning, when I was freaking out about the fact that I couldn't get sound I hulked it up for a number of minutes. Those sort of reactions: not good.

I also think, the rise of the BlackBerry and iPhone craze is one that we could definitely have skipped. Five years ago, the demand for smartphones was non existent outside of working businesses. Now, certainly in cities, everyone has one, from 11 year old's to 50 year old's. I'm not saying it's a bad thing that people are tapping into technology at younger and older ages, no it's good, it's great that you can have independence through technology, and find your own way, but with the internet seeming increasingly dangerous, we must remember to plug out of our computers and our phones every now and then, and just be.

It's actually not that bad out there, in the real world. Yes, it's frustrating being packed out on a bus with 11 year olds, and not being able to sink into your music to block out the screeches, but it's also not going to kill you to have a day or so out from technology. What I actually found during my impromptu cold turkey, was I need my phone, but not for music, or for texting, but for the simple fact of, I need it to tell the time. Fun fact, you don't. It's called a wrist watch. If I had remembered to put that on in the morning before bolting out of the door, I don't think I'd need my iPhone at all, and I found it strangely calming to sit on the bus and just read, totally absorbed by the book.

So I suppose, this post is a small reminder. The virtual world is fab. But real life is ticking by, and sometimes, sometimes people need to remember that life doesn't stop when your phone does. And by people, I don't just mean myself.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

All Aboard the Good Ship "Safe Internet Use"

Posted by alice_foster at 07:47 0 comments
I've been meaning to do something on this for a good long while, but in light of recent events to hit the news, this post seems all the more relevant. It's on one thing, and one thing only: how to use the internet in three easy steps.

Step one: Don't put any personal information out there. To anyone. That means addresses and numbers, hometowns and the like. Doesn't matter how long you've known them, I've known a group of people on the internet for a good six or seven months. We follow each other on twitter and instagram, and some skype each other, but it goes no further than that. Do not put information out there that could be dangerous to you.

Step two: Do not put personal stuff on the internet. This is different from personal information, this is about things personal to you - how you feel, if you're depressed, unstable, suicidal. People can use that against you, and the wrong people will use it. The same goes for photos: they could end up anywhere, and you probably won't find out.

Step three: Enjoy the internet. Find sites that you feel comfortable on and use them, BUT if you're on a sight that is making you unhappy, do not stay on that site. At the end of the day, it's your choice to be on there, and it can be hard to break out of a habit, but if the thought of going onto a site makes you unhappy, just don't go on it.

Step three is kind of the most important to be honest. What happened recently is a terrible thing, it is, and there is no way to explain how terrible it is, but: it is at the end of the day, your choice to be on the internet. Trolls don't have a hold over you, you don't have to do anything for them, if you just step away. You get days where you have no creativity, or you don't want to talk to people, and you just want to punch things viciously and throw things. That's okay. I've had days like that, when I've received anon hate. I did two things: I stepped away from the computer and I had my melt down. Sure, I ended up forking out £20 because I smashed up some candles, but that's better than damaging my skin, or my life. And the second thing I did: I turned off the anon option. I took a few days out, gained perspective again, and took away the trolls one route to me.

People who call for the internet to be moderated forget one thing: you can't expect 180 people to man 6 million blogs or whatever. It's not fair. The internet is a great place, but it's also a horrible place. Times have changed, people need to wake up and smell the coffee. It isn't the place of the people running the sites to teach you how to behave - it's your place. To use the internet safely, people need to be calm, considerate and use it with intelligence and common sense.

As soon as there's a cultural shift, then maybe, just maybe people will stop calling for the same out dated arguments, and start realizing that our safety on the internet is down to only one person. Ourselves.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

The Wobble

Posted by alice_foster at 09:13 0 comments
I have to admit, when it comes to being proactive and remembering important things to do, I'm pretty rubbish at it. And therefore, when "stuff" (more on that later) my blog got shifted to the side, and I had writers block and basically there was no way in hell I was writing out a good entry. That, it seems, has cleared...or at least, it has for now.

I'll start now by reminding you of the date, August 1st. That means, for those in the A-Level know how, we have less than 15 days until we get our results, determining the routes that we well may take. Thus brings me to the point of this blog entry, which because I'm not particularly eloquent, or well versed in medical terminology, I'm going to call "The Wobble". "The Wobble", is the byproduct that comes from moving from the intense, high powered exam season, to the nothingness of the months of holiday/waiting period. It's basically the equivalent of running a marathon and then suddenly dropping off the edge of a cliff, ie very nasty, and also, surprising.

I'm now reminded of a comment my law teacher said, about the holiday break. His words were something along the line of "you'll be so bored you'll want to come back from school". I at the time, laughed at that, assuming that the holidays would be jam packed and I'd never have a moments rest...I was wrong. To start with, in the first week, I did nothing - by nothing I mean, sat in bed and watched telly, slept and did no socialization. This week however, carried over into a month of nothingness, where I slowly became more and more drawn into myself, and began to become a recluse. In other words, nothing good. This was broken by the odd family trip, and a disastrous holiday which ended in me being forced to come how and promptly be diagnosed with moderate to chronic anxiety, and boom I was on a waiting list.

In a month, my life had lost it's structure, and I'd lost my way. With this, I lost ambition and sight, and fell into a hole of pity. I fluctuated between days of "university is the one for me" and "I haven't got a hope in hell". I slipped out of patterns and into nothingness. I lost sight of myself. And, more to the point, I had no idea how to come back to myself.

This, is the wobble. It's a moment of complete terror, where you lose everything, where you curl up into yourself, where you're stranded and alone. Isolated. It can be as short as a day, it can be as long as months, but the chances are we've all had it. And, we've all survived it. In our own ways. And so, with the days running up to the exams, I'm feeling pretty confident and saying we're all going to have wobbles. I'm also pretty confident in saying, that we're all stronger than we think. We may not know this, not consciously, but we are strong. We're strong because instead of allowing every bit of bad news to take over, we've found a way to carry on. And we will again.

And, as an extra note to all those not sure if they'll get their grades: it's okay. It's okay to fail, to not do as well. It's okay to change plans, to try again. It's okay not to be amazing, because you will survive this. You will get through, and you will become something. You may not become the person you planned to be, but you will grow. Results don't grow on trees, but neither does your future. It's up to you. And only you.

With that, I wish everyone getting their results good luck.
Fingers crossed!

Saturday, 15 June 2013

An Open Letter to: Examination Boards

Posted by alice_foster at 04:13 1 comments
Dear examination boards
On behalf of every single student that ever went through your exams, I would like to thank you for the crippling stresses you have put us through, the mindless cramming, the terror of turning over a sheet of get the idea. Because of you, examination boards many, many of us will pass our exams with flying colours, but similarly because of you, many will also fail, categorized because they failed to fall within time limits, or simply do not have exam technique, and blocked in turn from reaching their full potential. I would like to further thank you, for this instilled belief that many now have that, if you do not get said grade, you will fail to achieve your place in life and find yourself falling into the mindless place in the middle lane.

Best wishes,

Of course, I'm being facetious. There's no way I would ever be able to talk for every student, I don't know them. But, with the news that GCSE examinations were becoming exam focused and dropping the coursework orientated element, I was filled with a) an overwhelming cackle of laughter, but mainly b) a sense of pity for the students who will be dealing with these changes. As an A-Level student, I like to consider myself a veteran of the examination board. I also know, I wouldn't be an A-Level student, had it not been for the coursework element of GCSEs. I will straight up say it now: I'm a good writer. That's not me boasting, it's a fact. I grew up writing and I enjoy it. A piece of writing coursework, like an essay is something I genuinely enjoy writing and will get a good mark for. My essay technique is good. My exam technique....not so much. And this I feel is what will inherently be the downfall to bringing in the new style of GCSEs - people are not born with exam technique. Exam technique is a learnt and honed skill, not everyone is blessed with it (of course, some are, but even they will find their struggles I'm sure). I would even go so far as to say, the majority of my A-Level studies have been devoted to finding that exam technique.

In other words, the coursework element, the saving grace of many students lives during GCSEs, was what pulled me through. Without it, I would have done significantly worse. By removing this coursework element, you are doubling the stresses these students go through, there will be no back up (I tend to feel this way about the removal of the January exams too) and furthermore, you will not only be changing one element of exams, but the government will have to change an entire teaching style to build that exam technique far in advance. And that seems neither fair nor....feasible.

I'm all for change, but changing a complete style in my opinion seems rash and unthinkable, because of the long term ramifications because of these changes.

Then again, I may be completely wrong.
Guess we'll find out....

Sunday, 9 June 2013

The Impossible Quest: The Search for Perfection and Acceptance in Society - The Media.

Posted by alice_foster at 16:49 0 comments
In times of late hours, after spending times searching through the tags on tumblr, breaking occasionally out of the fandom tags, I find myself sitting and questioning, with no official means to express my thoughts. Not anymore. I should probably establish now, that I love Tumblr. Compared to Facebook which is old hat, and Twitter, which terrifies me, Tumblr is the place as one such user put "a home for misfits, the people who don't quite ever belong". I place myself firmly into that category, and in that a find a strange sort of contentment. I feel that I sometimes, am alone in this. It was on one of these trips where I was speaking to someone who I feel I know quite closely, who writes about her depression. She is of course, not alone in this. Go on to Tumblr and search in the tags "depression", "cutting", "suicidal", and you'll find 100s of people who identify with her. I personally, have never reached such a low. I am proud to say, that never once have I contemplated slicing my skin, or killing myself, but I know people who have. People who I was once close to, and who have drifted apart, and people who I feel very much connected to. Suicide is not the taboo at which it once was, and whilst this in itself is a positive thing, it is at the same time a wholly negative thing. People feel, dare I say it, too content with the concept of suicide. There is not so much a fear of death as a whole, rather more a welcoming of it. I'm not saying we should return to the middle ages, but at a point where such things as sitting up at 3am to talk someone down from doing something stupid becomes a common place, and expected, I feel there is something truly wrong with society.

And such comes to my thought. I know more people who cut, than those who don't. And I have to ask why? Why, when these people have so much going for them, do they feel that the only answer is to stain their skin with a knife, to get a small relief from a burning hot pain. It is, a psychologist would say: to gain a sense of control. I see it far more simply: there is too much pressure.

Let me explain, turn on your television, and go to your TV guide. Now tell me how many shows portray "constructed realism". I talk of course, of the shows such as TOWIE, MIC, Jersey Shore...they portray the ideal to some people, but is it real? Now, turn to a magazine. Each picture, asides from the deliberately unflattering ones, will have been edited, highlighted and turned into something fake. Is that real? Clearly not. Turn now to the newspaper, to every single unflattering article of "Binge Britain". To the wave of knife crime we had a few years ago. that real? It's come from the newspaper, surely it must be more real than the television. And yet, this is where the struggle really comes into play. As a teenager, I am stereotyped. On a daily basis. People will look at me, because of my age, and they'll assume: that I drink, that I smoke, that I carry weapons or I go around with 'dangerous' people. This is of course, preposterous, I'm a white middle class teenager from a south London suburb, do you really think I'm going to "shank" you in a dark corner? Please. And yet that won't stop people believing I will. Here's some cold hard facts for you nay sayers who believe that teenagers spend every weekend getting drunk in parks. The highest amount of people being taken into hospitals and police cells for being drunk are not as you believe the young under-30s. No here's some cold water for you, you the professional, who deem me to be unsatisfactory and dangerous, are actually far more likely to be drinking than me. And that's fact.

You will of course deny this, but it's true. It won't be featured in a newspaper however, just in the back of research bids and alcohol statistics. It won't be printed, because it won't be liked. But of course, to blacksheep anyone under 30, has now become a common thing. And why? Because the media says so.

Tell a child they're special when they're young and they'll accept it straight away. Tell a teenager there's something special about them, and they will not believe. That's the reality of the situation. A situation that is so out of hand that people believe it is okay to assume the complete untrue. And, leading back to my original point: I will never live up to someones expectation. But the pressure? Oh that's so overwhelming it hurts. And when you, you the adult who tells me that "these are the best years of your life", and who says "they understand".  Stop. Just stop. You don't understand, because times change and people change but you will never be judged the way I am. You will never know how it is to be looked down simply because of the way you dress, you will never be asked to leave an area because you're wearing a certain outfit and you're with your friends. You cannot know how it feels to be us, and that's not your fault, but you simply cannot. And when you say you can, you're setting yourself up to fail.

And in the end, sometimes, just sometimes, I understand why people cut. Because it's a frightening world. And people judge. And sometimes, just sometimes, it's that selfish lash out, that small bit of control. But it means the world. Before you can change a person and help them, something must be established. A mutual understanding. And right now? That's simply never going to happen.

A somewhat of a welcome

Posted by alice_foster at 08:39 0 comments
The obligatory introduction post as it were, this is where you get a small insight (god help you) into my brain and my blog. This, is an exercise in understanding my subconscious in a way, but before you run away screaming, I'm not going to be getting all psychological or mathematical. No, that's not my jam. That's simply not me. So, first things first, who am I? Well, on my birth certificate it says I'm Alice Foster. And that's simply who I am. Alice, but I go by many nicknames. 17 years and counting (so close to being legal) and currently hanging around in the limbo that is study leave for the year 13 student. I officially study: english, law and drama and theatre studies, but in each lesson I feel there's a crossover to a different subject, another level of thought. And that is where the foundations for this blog came about.

I, like many other human beings, find myself bored a lot of the time. This is nothing to do with my surroundings, my peers anything like that, it is simply down to the fact that I question everything. And oh my god, it makes it hard for people to be around me sometimes. And so, I thought it was time to stop taking out my questions on my friends and parents and teachers and go through my own way of understanding. I question things, because I find them unfair, or wrong or simply puzzling. I write because I find it is a way of understanding, of conveying my feelings. Sure, I'm never going to write a novel, we can't all be the John Green's of the world, but who wants to be that. The pressure that man is under is insurmountable and I would never be able to have his positive attitude to the world around me. No, simply put, I'm the pessimistic sort. I'm trying to change it, but I find in a world of war, where sex sells, where being intelligent is undervalued compared to the handbag someone wears, it can be hard to see the world in anything other than a place that just sucks. And in that, I find beauty in the dark, in the macabre, but I also find beauty in the superficial, the popular. That ultimately is the world we live in, one where a child's intelligence is balanced out into a series of number and stats. I hate it, truth be told. I would much rather that people talked to that child who struggles to write down, but is full of wonderful ideas, who is magic to be around, but who doesn't know how to put it to paper. But, that simply will never happen. I accept that, I live with it. I deal with it. But I always know that behind that exam grade there is a real person, with real faults and strengths, and that person is never valued as much as they should be.

But, before I turn into a sop, I'm going to stop. This blog will be my diary as it were, the place where my thoughts land on a page and turn into words. Sometimes it'll be sad, sometimes it'll be happy, but that is the beauty of this blog - it's mine, and only mine.

I hope you do enjoy coming along for the ride, and I hope that maybe, just maybe I can finally start to understand myself. But I'm not looking for miracles.

As the big man himself once wrote:
"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more..."


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